That's right! Another term down! I got As in all three classes, and I'm totally stoked that I have only 2 classes this coming term. This last one was not easy...Research wasn't nearly as much fun as I thought it would be.
Well, I'm wrapping up the first of my two back-to-back Whole30s. It ends Tuesday officially. Although it wasn't quite over, I weighed myself this morning for the first time in nearly a month and found that I am down about 12 lbs this round, making for a total of 30 lbs lost since I started this journey. Yup, I weighed somewhere between 183 and 184 this morning, and I started at 214! That's really a lot of weight. Pick up a 30 lb bag of dog food and carry it around with you for a little while. That's how much extra weight I was carrying around EVERY SINGLE MOMENT of my life. It hardly seems possible. You know what also hardly seems possible? I fit into a size 14 now! I started at a 20, could squeeze into an 18 but it was tight. Now I fit comfortably into a 14. I can't even recall the last time I wore a 14. I'm pretty sure it was before I started having babies! :) I'm trying to get a couple of friends on board for my next round of Whole30 starting April 4th. That way we can support each other.
My weight loss so far... |
I'm on Week 5, Day 2 of C25K. I've gone from running in 30-45 second intervals to 4-5 minute intervals. Next run will be my first 6 minute interval. I slacked off for a little more than a month due to sickness (pertussis then was a rough month or so) and traveling out of state. But then I registered for my first race, the 8th annual Angel Babies 5k run to benefit Hind's Hospice's Angel Babies program. I thought that would be good, and significant for me having an angel baby of my own. It happens May 5th, and if I stay on task with C25K I will be finished with the program a week before the race. So when I really don't feel like running, I do it anyway because I HAVE to in order to be ready for my first race. I also signed the boys up for the kid's fun runs...they get their own t-shirt and bib and everything. They are so excited!
After I finish that, it's on to Bridge to 10K (B210K), then the half-marathon. I hung a list of my New Year's resolutions in my office and at my desk at home to remind me. I really need to stay on it in order to be ready in November.
My new niece, Emma! |
So I went back home in February for the birth of my niece. Little Emma was born while I was there...the day before I left, actually. My baby sister is a mommy! She pushed that 8 lb, 3 oz baby out of her tiny little body and I am so proud of her! It was an action-packed trip that will require a post of its own. Lots of family stuff. But one family-unrelated thing happened that was SO awesome. I went by Rosemary in hopes of recharging my emotional batteries and seeing Harmony for the first time in about 4 years. She was there and it was so good to see her again! She showed me the things that had changed and gave me the encouragement and wisdom that had come seeking. Then the unspeakable happened...she offered me an apprenticeship! This is something I have been thinking, dreaming, and praying about ever since I started midwifery school, but I didn't know how to ask or if it would even be possible. It will not count toward my clinicals, but it will be a balancing experience that I NEED. She offered for me to come down for a month or so during their busiest time to offer another set of hands and to get some practical homebirth, LM-guided midwifery practice. I tell you, I was walking on air.
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