Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Whole30 - Day 3

Not the best day today, gotta tell ya. No, I didn't cheat, but it was a top-speed-from-start-to-finish kind of day and it was kinda' rough to fit good food into it. It would have been SO much easier to just run out and pick up a Subway sandwich! But stick to it I did, and at the end of the day I'm proud of myself. I had 3 fried eggs (in just the tiniest bit of coconut oil) and fruit for breakfast (strawberries and blueberries) with a cuppa joe (with coconut milk). That was the easy part of my day. Thankfully I had the presence of mind to fill my vente-sized travel mug with coffee and coconut milk at the house, because I heated it up in the afternoon and was eternally grateful for it!

I packed leftover chicken for lunch, a half of an English cucumber with salt, pepper, and garlic. Brought dried flaked (unsweetened) coconut and almonds for munchies, and tossed a handful of Larabars into my desk drawer for emergency purposes.

Let it be known...if you're a 3-square-meals-per-day person, you're going to have to adjust that on the Whole30. I eat and two hours later I'm hungry again! All of this REAL food is excellent fuel, gives me energy, but doesn't last long! So lunch, the coconut/almonds and coffee were soon gone...and I pulled a late day at work and suddenly had no food. Thank God for Larabars! My saving grace was the Apple Pie one that I pulled from my drawer...savored every bite of that puppy! Finally got home, and then had to clean up, feed the baby, etc. Grabbed a bag of baby carrots and munched to get my tummy to stop growling. Now finally, at 9:57 pm, I just polished off a half an avocado and I'm about to have garlic-sauteed spinach and shrimp.

I wish I had a chef to cook and feed me. That would make this so much easier. I'm not whining, I'm just thinking how nice it would be. Working all day then coming home and being wife and mommy doesn't leave much time for me...and it's nearly 10 pm and I still need to cram in a little studying. *le sigh*

I will survive.

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